I thought it would be fun to do a post on being a waitress. I wish I could say that I wrote all of these. I didn't. I just renovated an article I recently read to fit my own experience. So here goes: 20 things about a server: 1. Your weekends start on Sundays. And ends on Sunday too. You try squeezing an entire weekend in one day. Not easy. 2. Wanting it to be busy but also wanting it to be soooo sloooow. Get busy and make money that you desperately need, or stay slow and get cut in time to have a social life? DECISIONS ARE HARD. 3. People who switch tables a hundred times. ‘This one is too dark. That one is too bright. This one is too secluded. That one is too loud.’ This table will take up maybe 45-90 minutes of your life. You are not Goldilocks. Please SIT DOWN! 4. Being ignored after saying hello to a table. Gotta love those people who think that drinks, food...
I know, I post pictures of these friends quite often. Seriously though, if they were your friends, you would too. I am so thankful for them. And I'm trying to enjoy as many moments as I can with them before I leave for Florida. Yes, folks. I am moving to Florida. Not forever. Just for the winter. To work. While I am not crossing the ocean, I feel like this applies to me. This moving to Florida for 4 months makes me nervous, but I also look forward to the new adventures, new friends, new job. On the other hand, it is difficult to leave my friends and things familiar to me. Just like everyone else, change is not my favorite thing. But it is good for me. These are my parents. They are good people you should know. My big brother Blake and I from way back in September, but I like the fact that we are both in the same picture. This is Marvin and Janice. I am privileged to attend the same church as them. You won't meet better folks then these. Th...
This group of people are the best. We got to hang out all weekend. (They even came to visit me at work. Bless their hearts.) :: Out for a little Sunday drive. This is how we roll. (Also how we get the neighbors to look.) :: :: We look normal... :: ::...but we aren't...:: ::Want to know how you almost get kicked out of the Walmart parking lot??? Try doing this sort of thing in front of the store. :: Yup. It was a blast. Some of things we did: Volley ball (until we were sick of it) Ice cream (yum!) Do NOT sit on TOP of the picnic tables. It makes the workers grumpy. (Who knew that was against the rules?) Rides in my new car (Isn't he adorable?) The guys found a new way of making the tires squeal. Lift the car from the back, rev it up and drop it. It works!!! The telling of lots of lame jokes ('Shut up turkey, I know what I'm doing.') Eating popcorn around the fire until we were blue in the face. Becoming Walmart ...
You favorite Sis. ;)